Thank you, Glendale
A glacier left a pond, hidden in Queens, NYC.
It is Thanksgiving today, and quiet in my room here in Glendale. It has had its good and bad points, but overall I appreciate the shelter Janet and I have (mostly) enjoyed here. Looking at things now through the lens of our political situation, it is more of a haven than I would have expected.
But life has changed, and I need to go home for a bit. I have met some good people in New York, and we will keep in touch. We are all experiencing changes in our vision, it seems. At least for the first time in a long time, I don’t feel like the only person who is navigating in a fog.
I still have things to do and people to meet with, so will not depart for a few days, at least. I need a little time to refresh my “skills” for this site. I need it as a support as much, or more, than ever.
This has been a less luxurious sojourn in NYC than the last, though that was hardly fancy. For the first time, I have truly known what it is to be a manual laborer with a long commute. I have worn my uniform, not with pride, but with acceptance. My best times in the neighborhood have been in the laundromat, with all the perspectives and stories I have enjoyed.
Many people here are from former Eastern Bloc communist countries. They love America with an enthusiasm I’m not used to. They have a certain patience mixed with skepticism. When you show an interest, they reveal their passion for their former homelands. It is poignant.
But I don’t belong here, either. That, at least, is clear.
~Simone November 26, 2020